all our voices count

Despite the attempts of churches, communities, and organizations to silence those of us who live and love beyond the norm, we must remember that all of our voices, soft and loud, squeaky and bellowing, count. Throughout history we have seen how even just one voice can transform society, can revolutionize a people, and can widen the circle within churches.

Words can pack a wallop; we must be intentional on how we choose to use them. Just as our voices can hurt, dehumanize, and shatter, they can also heal, make whole, and radically transform—we must be mindful and careful how we choose to share our voices for a church and society that is just, inclusive, and welcoming. Even when we think its pointless and no one is listening, we never know when the seeds we are planting will bear fruit in the lives of others, lives of people we may never meet but who will find inspiration, insight, and incredible oomph in what we shared. Even the smallest, softest, and weakest voices (by society’s misguided standards) can ripple into justice, wholeness, and equality. Our voices matter, our voices count!!!


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